
Tuesday 4 June 2013

June in our courtyard garden

Our garden is really starting to take shape this summer so I'm making the most of being able to update you with what is growing at the moment. I'm loving capturing the little changes in our space and seeing what is growing. I added some new plants to the garden a week ago and we now have potatoes growing, new herbs and salad leaves. It's really satisfying seeing things grow that I've planted.

I'm delighted to say that the radishes are growing really well in our hanging basket and they will be being added to our weekday salad lunches over the next few weeks. Elsewhere in the garden other plants have been making the most of the sun and are growing well.

The strawberry plants from last year are flowering with delicate pink and white flowers.

The beetroot seeds I planted are trying to grow, I should probably try and thin these out!

The lillies are taking time to flower this year but there are buds forming. I can't wait for these pink lillies to flower.

The geraniums I grew from seed last year are doing well and starting to flower.

The lettuce seeds I tried to grow didn't grow well so I bought a little gems and lollo rosso and also some rainbow chard plants. They are looking healthy and starting to establish themselves in our planters.

I have three chilli plants with the hope of growing a great crop of chillies for Mr C so he can add them to the amazing dinners he cooks! Here is one of the chilli plants enjoying the sunny windowsill.

The hosta has sprung into life and filling our shady corner with greenery.

The mint is growing well and is ready for use in summer drinks and cocktails! I'm loving adding a few leaves of mint to a glass of elderflower cordial, it's divine!

I'm growing some new herbs that I bought as plants. I've added oregano, marjoram, basil mint and basil to this container and they are getting established in their new home.

Our blueberry bush has lots of small flowers on it, I've never seen so many on it. Hopefully this means we will have a lovely crop of berries this summer that I can add to my breakfast.

I hope you are enjoying seeing the plants around you growing and flowering and that you are making the most of the sunny weather we are finally getting!

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