
Sunday 2 June 2013

Grow :: My One Little Word - A mid-year update

I started One Little Word this year, it's an online class run by Ali Edwards for Big Picture ClassesOne Little Word is about picking a word that you want to be part of your life for the year ahead and beyond. I chose the word 'grow' in January to be part of my life and my focus for 2013. There were so many areas of my life I wanted to grow in. I wanted to plant fresh seeds to help me grow, move forward and grow in new directions. 

June has arrived and this month's prompt from the class is to spend time thinking about how far I've come with my word in a mid-year review. My word is really personal to me and the intentions I set for the year resonate with all areas of my life that I'm keen to grow in. I feel I've made progress with my word in so many areas. I've grown stronger in terms of my fitness and mentally, I've grown closer to life going on round me, I've grown my creativity by dedicating more time I spend being creative everyday. This month I'm hoping to grow and bloom, whether that be in making things, cooking things or growing things in the garden. I'm looking forward to my intention this month and those ahead of me this year.

What I love about doing One Little Word is having the chance to be reflective and spend time thinking about life. I believe it's so important to look out for yourself and have things to aim for. Over the past six months I've been taking a closer look at my day to day to help with keeping my word at the forefront of my life. 

Using photography, taking notes and journalling to record my week for my Project Life album has enabled me to be more reflective. It has been so satisfying to look at everything I've been doing and seeing how I am growing.

I'm loving printing out photos from every week of the year for my Project Life album and keeping notes on what I've been doing. It shows me how much I can pack into a month, the small things everyday that make a difference and the great people that surround me everyday and in my life. I'm going to spend the next few months with my camera in my hands even more trying to capture the small things in life that make me so happy.

By starting One Little Word and Project Life I've found a love of journalling life again. When I was younger I used to write letters to friends and write in a diary about what I had been doing but it became something I did less and less frequently. I'm now journalling more so that I can capture all the details for my Project Life album and where I am with my word for the year. I now hope to grow my writing and journalling skills moving forward.

I'm looking forward to the next six months ahead of this year and the areas of my life I'm hoping to grow in. I've got a few courses earmarked for the year ahead that I'm hoping to take to help me grow and a big list of things I'd love to make and do. I'll keep you updated on my progress here.

I'm off to sit out in our courtyard in the sunshine with a cup of tea, a magazine, my camera so I can give you an update on how the garden is growing. At last it feels that a little bit of summer brightness has arrived, with the sun shining, plants blooming and things growing in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post, Lucy: what a great way to document your growth!
