
Friday 17 June 2016

Living my Spring Manifesto

Origami cranes

With each season comes with it something new, a new chapter. My word this year is Awaken. I decided that I wanted to awaken more of a connection to the seasons than I have done before, awaken more awareness and awaken my senses. In January I started a new seasonal practice of creating and sharing my seasonal manifesto. Over the past few months I've been connecting with my spring manifesto. With the signs of summer appearing around me I wanted to share with you what I have brought into my life recently during the spring months.

Make time to step away from digital habits

Over the past few months I've stepped away from daily blog reading, spent less time on Instagram and taken time away from the screen. I work in an office so I spend everyday in front of a computer screen. Coming home from work and at weekends I've added in more opportunities for being away from a screen. For me it has meant that I've managed to make a start on my handmade wedding craft projects, I've spent time in the garden, tended and watered plants, weeded our raised beds and had some headspace away to think.

Reconnect to a handmade craft

I have a passion for handmade and even more so recently with our wedding just a few months away. I've been planning and starting to make the handmade elements of our wedding day. Over the past two months I've been creating origami cranes for our wedding to help decorate our marquee.  I love using paper to create things and for me I wanted to get back to using it as a material. I remember trying origami many years ago but I think that this time it has felt different. I'm taking time to hand make each origami crane and feel the satisfaction of shaping something from paper. Having this project has meant that I've taken time away from my digital habits and to have a more mindful activity to enjoy. Whilst I making each origami crane I'm thinking about the present moment and also reflecting on the day that has been.

Shape and grow something new in my life

Over the past few months I've found myself shaping and growing a feeling of resourcefulness and an ability to relax and go with the flow even more so than I have ever done. As mentioned over the past few months, life for me is currently very full. I'm not sure that I'll ever again have the busiest part of the year in my day job coincide with finishing two qualifications, taking exams, practicing coaching, and planning a handmade wedding. What I am learning is about having the right mindset, state and confidence in myself to just do it. I feel for the first time that I'm experiencing a flow that means I just take things as they come and let them be.

In amongst the flow I'm starting to shape my ideas of my coaching practice and I'm working with clients who are giving me fantastic practice experience. I gifted them a number of hours of coaching to help me complete the hours I need for my qualification. It is something new that I am growing in my life, it's exciting, a little daunting but I'm really enjoying having the opportunity to start planning the next phase in my portfolio career.

Start a gratitude practice

Making the time to be mindful and appreciate what I have is something I enjoy doing. I tend to use the time on my walk to and from work to think about what I'm grateful for. I'm grateful of my ability to be flexible, to take on challenges, to juggle all the things I have in my life, for all the moments that I have experienced over the past few months and the people I have met. I haven't been writing my thoughts down in a journal but I have each week taken a little time think about what I am grateful for.

Plant and cultivate seeds

I have been planting, growing and cultivating seeds. Many of these seeds have been planted in our garden. I'm growing a few small plants including peppers, basil, tomatoes, and stocks. Taking time to water the seeds, watch them grow has been satisfying.

I've planted and am starting to cultivate seeds in my life in other ways. I've made new friends through coach training and connected with a number of inspiring women at Sisterhood Camp that I attended in May.

I'm really enjoying having a manifesto for each season, it brings with it a chance to focus and do something for me.

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