
Sunday 3 January 2016

Review of Simplify :: My One Little Word 2015

Simplify - One Little Word 2015

For the past three years I've selected a word to bring into my daily life. I've not done this alone, I've taken an online class and been part of the One Little Word community set up by Ali Edwards. Ali is someone I hugely admire and who inspires me with her creative practice and her approach.

For 2015 my word was 'Simplify'. In 2014 my word was 'Embrace' and in 2013 my word was 'Grow'. Reflecting on my word from the previous year, and selecting a new word for the year ahead, are some of my favourite rituals I have embedded into January and have become part of my new year routine.

Every year I'm amazed to see what my word has brought with it, what it has helped me focus on and achieve. For me 'Simplify' was a word I really needed for my own personal development, it changed me. It became a guiding focus when deciding particular approaches to take, solving problems and facing challenges. I felt my thinking processes were influenced by having a focus on Simplify during the year, whether it be about my future plans, relationships, expectations I put on myself, projects I worked on and day to day life. It enabled more positive outcomes to unravel in front of me.

Simplify enabled me to gain closure in many situations, allowing valuable space to be made and energy conserved for other things. Simplify enabled me to gain a refreshed perspective and open up, allowing new things to flow. Simplify brought me peace in decisions taken and enabled me to get to know myself even better. I've started to understand in more depth the importance of my personal values and what I want out of my life. I've become more aware of how important it can be to observe the way my body is feeling and go with my gut feelings and intuition to help me select the most effective and simple approach for me. Simplify has given me a focus to live more in the present moment.

It felt that 2015 went by so quickly and at times I could feel that I wasn't quite making the most of my word. I know that there are more things that could benefit greatly by having Simplify as a focus, and in time I will action them. I'm not ready to say goodbye to Simplify, and like previous years, I know that it has now become part of my personal toolkit.

I am forever grateful to have a word that creates an anchor for me during the year. I will be continuing my journey with a new word for 2016 and I look forward to sharing this with you soon.

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