
Saturday 23 January 2016

Inspired by...A wall of feel good messages

Feel Good Messages - The Pink Button Tree

Wherever I have lived I have always tried to create a space that shows elements of my personality and inspires me. Throughout university I decorated my bland walls with colour and images that spoke to me, creating a space that that reminded me of what I love and things that made me smile. I clearly remember a motivational board that I put together in a clip frame at university that came with me everywhere I lived.

I'm spending a few hours today in my creative space and I wanted to share with you my inspiring wall of feel good messages that I've been collecting over the past year or so. Each one motivates or connects to me in different ways and this week I added a few new postcards so it was a perfect time to tell you about this space I have created.

My wall of inspirational messages is in our attic room, a space where I like to get away to write and create. Over the past year or so I've been collecting cards with feel good messages that really speak to me. On this wall are a few of my favourite cards, they include some that were posted all the way from Australia by a great friend of mine, there are postcards collected over a few years from Paperchase, my winter manifesto, as well as cards and items that I've collected from events I've attended or from items I've bought. As well as the cards, I printed off the incredible quote that brought tears to my eyes at Blogtacular last year, "Are you doing what you love? Or just what is expected of you?". This quote by Anthony Peters spoke to me deeply on the day, changing my heart and my mindset, and has continued from that day to inspire me across everything that I do.

I continually add to this inspiring wall space when I spot something I love. This week I added two new postcards to the wall. Firstly a postcard that says 'The World is your Oyster', from Paperchase. I bought one for a friend who is about to embark on an exciting new adventure and I loved it so much that I went back and bought one for myself. I also received a surprise piece of post yesterday...During Blogtacular last year we wrote on a postcard a message to ourselves and included our learnings from the day. Selecting from the postcards available, I chose the postcard with the word 'Brave' on it...and yesterday it arrived. Reading the message I had written to myself was something that I really needed to see, and so I've added it to my wall.

Having a space with feel good messages or images that really speak to you can provide a real motivation, inspiration and focus. I know that for me having this inspiring wall of feel good messages will give me a boost when I need it. It's going to be a full year, I'm going to be studying for and completing my coaching qualification, planning a wedding (to happen later this year!) and continuing to write my blog and draft chapters of my book. Looking at a wall with these inspiring messages I know will keep me on track and be a space that motivates me.

Perhaps you may like to put together something similar to group together things that you love. Creating a wall of inspiration like this for yourself is really simple. Start with one or two inspirational images or quotes, and add to it when you see something special and create a small space that you love. You might like to add them to a wall like I have with washi tape, put them in a pretty frame or collect items on a shelf or sideboard. I will be moving these cards to a 3D frame at some point this year, adding my One Little Word from each year I've done the course, adding images and photos I love, as well as other things as I go too. I hope you'll join me and create your own, I'd love to hear about it if you do.


  1. This is a lovely idea, I have lots of inspirational cards etc but usually tucked away somewhere rather than somewhere they can inspire me everyday x

  2. I have the same wall with different pictures, photos, inspirational quotes and my own drawings. I love to decorate walls that way, cause it makes me feel more comfortable in my room.
