
Saturday 21 November 2015

Autumnal changes :: Time out to reflect

Autumn leaves

Hello everyone, it has been a little while since I posted here. I just needed a little breather and time away to embrace autumn for all that it is. As the leaves change colour and begin to fall I use this particular time of year to contemplate the changes that I want to bring about next in my life. Change is always going on however this autumn I needed a little headspace whilst I got myself organised once more and plans put in place.

Autumn is now drawing to a close, the leaves have blown away by the recent storms, and the trees are standing bare. Winter is now firmly on its way. With the wind changing direction today, bringing with it cold northerly air, I thought it would be a good time to come back to this space and tell you what I've been doing and to let you know about the change in direction that I've finally decided to make in my life...

I’ve been wanting to tell you for sometime but finding the words to do it has been a little bit of a blocker to posting on here. There have been a few big exciting new projects that have engulfed my time and my mind for the past month and a half. I’m now ready to share them with you.

Autumn leaves

Firstly I’ve made some really delightful progress with my book content and have started putting together the outline of a creative workshop that I’ve had buzzing around in my head for sometime. I’ve had this little dream hidden on my About Me page for quite a few years but during late summer I really started to push forward with trying to get what was in my head out onto paper.

Sharing my plans with my family and closest friends has given me a burst of enthusiasm and a desire to keep going with the concept I have. I’ve started writing my book and planning the content for each section and I’m enjoying taking my time to write and think. I decided to work gradually on the project to ensure that I can feel uplifted by the writing journey and not feel too pressurised. For me after the initial flurry of writing on my Mac, I’ve recently sat down with a pretty notebook and have handwritten even more ideas that have popped into my head. A mix of handwritten notes, typed notes on Evernote and documents on my Mac are gradually being pieced together but at last I feel I have an outline that I'm happy with.

Autumn leaves

Secondly I have taken the plunge to start another dream of mine. I have enrolled on a life coaching course for the next 9 months. I was inspired to venture into coaching following a mentoring and coaching module that I had taken during a post grad course that I completed in 2009. It’s been a big decision for me that has been lurking inside me for over 6 years and at last I'm making it a reality. It is only now I feel ready to take it on and can see where it fits with me and my future plans.

After a long search I have finally discovered a course that I feel really engaged with. There’s an achievable amount of study time needed to cover the material, a good location which is only an hours drive away and a great balance between information and practical application. So for one weekend each month I’m joining a small group of people on our learning journey together. Initially I had signed up for a shorter course but decided to extend my learning as the group is really wonderful and is making the learning experience a real pleasure.

Autumn leaves

Despite the cold dull weather that we are now experiencing, it feels like a warm bright light has arrived, lifting my mood and giving me more direction than I have had in a while. I can't wait to see where these plans take me.


  1. Sounds super exciting, well done lovely! Takes courage to follow your dreams.

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