
Sunday 19 July 2015

July in our garden

Mini Dahlias

It's been a busy month for our garden with lots of change happening each week. I'm loving being able to spend a few hours each weekend in our garden, pottering and tinkering with our space. It's starting to feel like a little haven that I'm gradually shaping into a garden that I love.

In the garden this month...

A handful of strawberries picked at the start of the month...


Bright lilies bring a zingy bold yellow statement to the garden...

Yellow lillies

I planted the sweet peas into the raised beds from a container. After two days this flower appeared, I hope for many more...

Sweet pea purple

Dahlias fill a small space in the raised beds. I'm in love with the beautiful petals and pretty colours...

Mixed mini dahlias

Mini pink dahlias

Dahlia and beetle

Newly bought lavender is bringing more bees to the garden and a glorious scent when I get up close...


A slow start with the tomatoes this year but now there are lots of little green tomatoes making an appearance...

Green tomatoes

Blueberries are starting to appear on both bushes, it's the biggest crop since we bought them...


The apple tree has so many little apples...


Apples on tree

Here are the raised beds gradually shaping the space with newly planted container plants.

Newly planted raised bed

I'll be popping back later this week with more gardening updates and to tell you how we made the raised beds and what I've planted in them so far.

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