
Thursday 16 April 2015

Crochet progress

My eyes have been opened wider than before, the books I have are starting to make sense, and I’m beginning to read the diagrams and understand the written patterns...I'm talking about the world of crochet that seems to be opening up in front of me and at last starting to make sense. Last night I came back from my crochet class fired up and raring to move forward with my crochet hobby. Something happened during the class and everything I've been doing so far started to click into place.

I've being going to a crochet class at my local craft shop, PaperVillage, run by a lovely lady called Vicky, she's an artist by day and creates 3D yarn art, mainly with crochet. I’m currently taking her beginners crochet class and this week we made flowers. Her style of teaching and what we are learning each week is building up the basics of crochet and giving us confidence to try new patterns. Vicky presents us each week with a small project to work on for two hours. We all work through the pattern together, making it step by step and asking questions and for help as we go. The pattern we were given last night looked quite complicated but with such an encouraging and enthusiastic teacher we all managed to make a flower or two and felt that we had achieved something pretty brilliant! Plus we learnt to read an American pattern, the terminology is a little different so it feels that I have my head round that too!

I love going to a class, rather than learning alone. What it has given me is a chance to ask the all important question, 'where do I put my hook to make that stitch?' which seemed to be the main problem stopping me moving forwards. I'm loving being part of the class, there's a real buzz about the room as we all learn to make the projects each week. I can feel my brain working whilst I'm there, as it's all about counting, checking and learning new stitches, it's definitely a hobby that is challenging me. 

This morning I got up and looked at the flowers I made and with a new enthusiasm I went straight to the crochet books on my book shelf. I have a small collection of crochet books that I have spent time oohing and ahhing over for a while but have always felt unsure about how to start many of the projects. Taking a fresh look this morning with a new found confidence, the terminology and instructions are finally starting to make sense.

It feels like a revelation being able to understand the patterns, opening up this hobby beyond the basic granny square and ripple pattern that I'm currently doing. I now feel that I can make a start on a few projects I've been wanting to make for a while but didn't have the skills or knowledge for. I have a few friends that are expecting little bundles this year and I have been keen to try and make baby booties and a few simple crocheted toys. I think that following yesterdays class and with a new found confidence I'm going to have a go at making one of these projects. I'll let you know how I get on!

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