
Sunday 15 February 2015

Life at the moment

It's been an odd week for me. I've been in bed since Thursday with what is quite possibly flu and I am still snuggled in bed today. I'm rarely unwell so it's times like this when I realise how much strength our bodies have and how much I get done on a normal day.

As usual I don't like sitting still and try and run before I can walk when trying to get better. I thought I'd give it a bash doing a bit of work from home on Friday, I managed a bit but after a few hours of sitting up at the desk I was totally wiped out and just needed to sleep. Yesterday I got out of bed, did a few little chores round the house and sat on the sofa convinced I'd be better by today. But no, today I'm feeling pretty worn out and unwell. I thought by now the aches and fever would've gone but I'm still feeling really rotten and pretty wiped out.

I am determined to post here once a week so I thought I'd do a round up of a few life at the moment for me has been about... the day. I'm never one for sleeping in and am quite an early riser even at the weekends so sleeping during the day and resting has been a big part of the past few days. I'm appreciating the comfort of our bed and the cosiness of our lovely home. seven year anniversary with Mr C at the beginning of the week and being surprised with flowers. I've been feeling spoilt with another set of flowers from Mr C's parents too.

Cancelling...our Valentine's dinner party plans with friends, and a Sunday crochet catch up with a friend. feel normal by getting out of bed, getting ready...then shortly afterwards feeling like a zombie and heading back to bed to rest.

Reading...and finishing my new book that arrived in the post this week. I really enjoyed 'the one thing' concept that the book is focused around and will try and work this into each day.

Drawing...up a rough diagram and plan of our garden redesign and laughing at how bad my drawing ability still is. I've been itching to get outside in the garden to start measuring up and start digging but I need to get a plan in place and get some research sorted too.

Taking...time to read magazines in between snoozing. I'm loving these magazines at the moment.

Drinking...lots of water. I finally managed a cup of tea yesterday afternoon, oh how I've missed it! 

Loving...the return of the Great British Sewing Bee. I'm normally really inspired to try a few new things on my sewing machine but haven't had the energy this week and feel I haven't reached my normal buzz for it, I'm sure it will return.

Eating...Heinz organic tomato soup and granary seeded bread. A little piece of heaven eaten in my PJs at the kitchen table.

Receiving...a weekend postal delivery of Project Life scrapbooking goodies from Studio Calico. It made my day! I opened the box and love these supplies this month. I adore the pastel shades of pink and mint green with the metallic gold embellishments.

Appreciating...the simple pleasure of warmth created by a woollen blanket, thick socks and a snuggly fleece keeping me cosy.

Resting...just laying, sitting and snoozing. Trying to keep things simple.

Missing...hooky time. I haven't done any crochet this week and am really missing it. I don't have a clear enough head or the concentration I'd need to keep it neat.

Making...plans for when I'm full of energy again. The mornings are getting lighter and I fancy starting to run again. I dabbled in running a year or so ago but stopped. We have a lovely park really close by that would be perfect, I need to get my confidence back and just start. I fancy fitting in a bit of yoga into my week again too. I think it's probably cabin fever setting in but I just want to get moving again.

I hope you are having a good week. Sending you lots of love this Valentine's weekend! Thanks for stopping by.

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