
Monday 29 December 2014

Life at the moment

Well, December flew by didn't it! I can't believe that I have finally managed to sit down and write for the first time in over three weeks. It's been a busy month!

Life at the moment for me has been about... and taking time off for two whole weeks, to say that this year has been a challenge feels like an under statement. It's been the busiest, most challenging and toughest year of my working career. A year of staying strong and just keeping going. I'm now enjoying a well earned break...

Singing...along to Christmas tunes each day

Preparing...our home for Christmas. We bought a real Christmas tree this year and love all of the red and white scandi style decorations I've collected over the years

Making...a few new Christmas additions to our decorations this year, a cushion and a draught excluder.

Watching...and admiring Mr C's woodworking skills. Mr C has been creating alcove shelving, a cupboard and kitchen shelving during December. I'm super proud and impressed, it's made our home feel so lovely just before the big day

Spending...quality time with our family during the Christmas week

Hosting...Christmas Day for friends! The day was brilliant with a delicious spread of food cooked by Mr C

Tidying...our spare room and corners of our home ready for our friends staying at Christmas and New Year

Receiving...parcels, lovely cards and gifts. I didn't have time or head space this year to do cards, we decided to donate to a charity very close to our hearts.

Relaxing...under a gorgeous new blue herringbone blanket, it has been on my wish list for quite a while.

Reflecting...on the past year

Planning...and thinking about what I hope for during 2015

Loving...the twinkling fairy lights and glow of candle light at dusk

Documenting...the month with Ali Edward's December Daily process and Shimelle's Journal Your Christmas Project Life album and catching up with the few missing weeks I haven't quite finished

Smelling...our tree each morning and lighting scented candles filling our home with delicious smells

Reading...blogs and magazines that have been piling up high over the past two months

Embracing...December for all that it brings

Kissing...Mr C under the mistletoe

I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas break and wishing you all a happy new year!

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