
Wednesday 26 November 2014

My simple pleasure - Watching Autumn colours

Over the past month or so I've been savouring one of my favourite seasons of the year. I love the arrival of Autumn and watching the leaves on trees and plants change colour, it really is one of my favourite simple pleasures at this time of year. For me the moment the leaves change means swapping the contents of wardrobes for cosy clothes, getting to wear my collection of scarves, putting on warm boots and a coat. It's is a comforting signal to start winding down, spending more time indoors and snuggling under cosy blankets.

Over the past month or so I've loved watching the leaves on trees change from green to yellows and reds. From our attic I can see trees in the distance in each direction and have loved seeing how the view changes week on week and noticing the gradual change happening in nature. It's our first Autumn in our new home and having garden with seasonal plants. I have noticed every few days our acer change colour and gradually drop its leaves. This weekend all but a handful of leaves were still clinging on. Watching the leaves fall can feel magical, like confetti and snow falling and making a gradual decent to land, creating a blanket of bright colours where not one leaf is the same.

The shades of autumn leaves and the contrast they bring is so much more appealing than green leaves during the summer. Walking through our local park last week, a grey and foggy morning was brightened only by leaves on trees, some turning a vibrant and golden yellow with pops of bright red berries.

Blankets of leaves cover the space under trees, a mix of yellow green and some light tan brown leaves, matching my favourite boots.

Earlier this week we had a hard frost, I love the way the frost picks up all the details on the leaves.

Watching the autumn colours arrive is one of my favourite simple pleasures. If you haven't already get outside and seek autumn colours, take photos, and marvel at natures signal that winter is on its way.

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