
Saturday 11 October 2014

Moving house :: Embracing the new

Over the past month or so I've had a quiet time on my blog. I had hoped to not be away for quite so long but there were a few things that have had our focus and energy. One of those has been taking some time for Mr C and I to embrace a fantastic and exciting positive change in our life...we've bought a house together and have moved!

I can't tell you how long I have wanted to share the news but I didn't want to tempt fate and tell many of our friends and family until we had the keys. Mr C and I have been patiently waiting since early June for the outcome of our house purchase and just over four weeks ago we were able to collect the keys and move our possessions and our life into a new home.

We are still living in Bristol and have moved from our basement flat into a gorgeous three bedroomed victorian terraced house on the other side of the river. We stumbled upon a real gem of a house that has just the right amount of space we were looking for, it is also well decorated with only a few colour changes needed on the walls, so nothing too overwhelming to do. Our new home is like a dream come true and has so many features we love.

We were looking for more space and a house that would allow us to achieve more of the lifestyle we wanted. We hoped to find a space that would enable us to make it easier and simpler to do the things that both Mr C and I love...and we have found it!

Our new kitchen is much larger and gives Mr C the space to get stuck into his cooking hobby and me the push I need to learn more cooking and baking skills. We now have dedicated dining room space to entertain friends and family with the food Mr C loves to cook. Our bedroom is spacious and provides us with a calm uncluttered space to relax and sleep in. We are lucky to have two additional bedrooms that will mean that friends and family can come and stay in comfort. One of the spare rooms is our gorgeous converted attic which is home to both my new craft studio as well as doubling up as an additional room for our hobbies and for guests to stay. Our garden is a perfect size for city living, it allows us to have the balance between gardening and container gardening, and with it being south facing there is more light than I could have ever have hoped for!

We are so delighted to be living close by to some of our great friends and are a short walk from a bustling high street which is full of character. We are spoilt for choice with a few butchers and bakeries, a green grocer, a post office, a few small supermarkets, lots of little shops, pubs and restaurants, a park, and a 10 minute walk to my favourite little garden centre. We are still on the edge of the city with a few minutes drive away from the countryside and a 25 minute walk into the centre of the city. It feels like all of our hopes and dreams, for the type of home and location, have been met for this phase of our lives bringing with it a huge wave of positivity.

We've embraced the challenges and change that have come hand in hand with a house purchase and a move. It has been quite overwhelming at times, both emotionally and with the level of physical tiredness. We have almost unpacked and are gradually finding homes for our possessions. I've been enjoying seeing what we own and having another sort through our things to keep refining and making space for the new. In the first week after having moved in we began to see the space taking shape and our house becoming our home. We are now looking forward to gradually putting our own stamp on things and creating a homemade home full of things that reflect our personalities and interests.

...As I write this I'm sitting at my desk in our attic room, with a steaming cup of tea, listening to the occasional pitter patter of rain drops on the skylight windows. While I've been sitting here the weather has cleared and bursts of sunlight and warmth now fill the space.

I've been sitting here reflecting on how moving house and starting a new has truly made my year. I can't tell you how happy we are to have found such a beautiful house that fits exactly what Mr C and I were looking for. Whilst we move about our home we both have a visibly renewed spring in our step and an enthusiasm for the things we love.

Each time I sit at my desk I am filled with many emotions but mainly with real joy and happiness. My new creative space is more than I could ever have hoped for. I'm truly lucky and so incredibly excited about what this space will lead me to achieve. I've been jotting down notes of project ideas and have been refreshing my plans and goals whilst I unpack the final set of boxes.

Our life in our new home has begun, our new routines have started, and a refreshed enthusiasm for our passions has been kicked into life once again...I wonder what this new house will hold for Mr C and I? Our exciting new journey has this space.

1 comment:

  1. That looks suspiciously like the streets around The Chessels to me. MiL is Bristol born and bred and for over 60 years has lived just off Chessel Street and just round the corner from the Tobacco Factory!
