
Friday 31 October 2014

Life at the moment

October has flown by and I cannot believe it is the end of the month already. Life at the moment for me has been about... and friends for weekend catch ups in our new home.

Visiting...the shops, cafes and restaurants near our new home and enjoying being able to shop local at the weekends in our local butchers, bakers and green grocers.

Harvesting - home grown carrots, I don't think they were meant to be quite so small but they were super tasty in a slow roasted casserole we had last weekend.

Organising...and printing some of my recent photos for my Project Life album.

Getting...back on the sewing machine after many many months off. It felt great sitting in my craft studio space in our attic practicing cutting fabric and sewing a few blocks for my new quilt.

Waiting...for a fabric delivery. I have a day off at home today and I'm eagerly waiting to see if the signed for delivery will arrive today. I can't wait to unpack the fabric and get started on my new quilt. Deacon Blue's Greatest Hits, a favourite album of mine when I was younger

Watching...Strictly Come Dancing, it's one of my favourite programs of the autumn months. My feet get twitchy watching it, perhaps its the ex-ballroom and latin dancer in me wanting to make an appearance again. Maybe one day I'll pop on those shoes again and cha cha across the dance floor.

Making...time to reinvigorate my connection with my hobbies and interests. I've been catching up with unread magazines, reading a few books, planning my new quilt, sorting out my craft space, drafting ideas for our garden changes.

Crunching...autumn leaves underfoot and watching the leaves dance along the road on breezy days goals. This month I took two days of annual leave from work and went on a taster coaching course. I met some amazing and inspiring people who shared my energy and passion for wanting to develop and help others develop. I spent the two days thinking about my goals and putting actions in place. It's great seeing how powerful achieving small actions can be when you are working towards a big goal.

Enjoying...seeing lots of pretty flowers around the house throughout the month. The orchid flowered a few days before we moved in September and it is still going strong.

Smelling...the perfume from these gorgeous lilies each time I step in the house. They were a gift from friends and I love them.

Embracing...all the changes happening around me. I'm still riding the wave of change at work and proud that I'm managing to stay strong and focused. I'm finally embracing the volume of tasks and emails that now form my day job, I hope that things will slow down soon.

Writing...up my thoughts for my One Little Word course and realising how powerful the word Embrace has been for me over the past 10 months.

Enjoying...the unseasonably warm and sunny weather we have had during the month. I secretly want to be wearing my winter clothes, boots and scarves.

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