
Thursday 12 June 2014

May and June - Our courtyard garden

Over the past few months I've been watching our courtyard garden grow. We've been really lucky to have some lovely sunny and warm days. I've taken time out to tend to our plants, keep them watered and I am spending more an more time in our courtyard garden space. Here's what has been going on...

For the second year in a row the geraniums I grew from seed are flowering, there are bright pinks, red and white flowers coming into bloom.

For the first time I've grown lettuce leaves from seed...

Our sunny space is blooming...the radishes, fennel, fuchsia and marjoram are loving the sunny spot.

The radishes grew in small batches, I've found that those at the front of the window box have been doing better than others...

This week I harvested what I had before they went into flower.

There wasn't any rocket left at the garden centre, so I decided to trying to grow rocket from seed...

...and after a few weeks the leaves are starting to take shape and look more like what you would expect.

The fuchsia continues to flower and is one of my favourite plants in the garden.

This year I moved it into a new location and it has flourished. This is how it looked today, there are so many flowers this year.

I've been a bit late planting up my courgette plants. I have three that I've grown from seed and they are getting themselves established. Tonight I got home from work and planted them into larger pots in the hope that they will grow over the next few months.

My tomato plants are starting to flower and I'm looking forward to another year of a home grown crop for my lunchtime salads.

These are the marigolds I've grown from seed. I've been growing them in my cold frame in a partially sunny spot. I started planting these up into bigger containers this evening... I'm loving the long evenings of the summer, I'm getting so much gardening time in my week!

The bay tree is continuing to grow and is having a growth spurt

and here are the potatoes! They have gone a little wild but I think that they must be enjoying this sunny spot. I'm waiting to see if they flower soon. I have everything crossed that I will have a crop and not just greenery!

These are the carrots I've grown from seed. This week I've been thinning them out.

I'm going to buy a few more flowers over the next few weeks, I want to have a few more bright pops of colour brightening our space.

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