
Thursday 28 November 2013

Making a Christmas Cake

This year I have decided to start a few new December traditions. I will tell you more about these in December but I wanted to share with you my first new tradition a little early so that you may join in on the fun too!

For very many years I have wanted to make my own Christmas Cake. Mr C doesn't like fruit cake so I have been reluctant to put the effort in. However this year I really wanted to try making one as a new tradition. I wanted something I could enjoy over a cup of tea and when my friends come to visit. I know I should have made this about a month ago, but things have been busy and suddenly the end of November has crept up on me!

After a lot of research of Christmas cake recipes I decided to use Delia Smith's Classic Christmas Cake recipe which you can find on Delia Online. This is the same recipe as the Traditional Christmas Cake recipe in Delia's Book of Cakes (1988). I have grown up with Delia and have always had good results with her recipes. I thought I should use this for my first Christmas cake and then maybe try a different recipe next year.

This week I started the first stage of making the Christmas cake, the overnight soaking of the ingredients in brandy. I've added the currants, sultanas, raisins, glacé cherries and mixed candied peel to my big Mason Pearson mixing bowl and poured over the brandy. I gave it a little stir and covered it. I'm going to give it a little stir each day to ensure the brandy is evenly absorbed. I'm planning to make the Christmas Cake this weekend so the ingredients have a few days to really absorb the alcohol.

I'm hoping that with a few weeks left before Christmas I can keep the cake moist by adding extra liquid and have a little time to plan how I'm going to ice it!

If you fancy starting a new tradition this Christmas a home made Christmas cake could be a great project to try.

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