
Sunday 19 May 2013

Celebrate Container Gardening

My interest in container gardening started about four years ago when I moved into Mr C's flat. A bare outside space needed a little attention and I turned my hand to buying pots and containers trying to make use of the space. Over the years I have slowly turned it into a little haven, with edible plants and flowers, filling the once grey bare space with pots, containers and greenery, encouraging birds to nest and insects to visit. Friends and family have kindly helped with advice, new plants and containers as gifts to get me started.

I love container gardening. It's a simple way to grow things, however small a window box or pot is, all you need is soil, water, light and a bit of warmth to get things going. The gratification of growing your own seeds, planting bulbs and waiting for flowers to burst open is something pretty special. A new plant or flowers can instantly add something different to the space. There is so much I still have to learn and try out in our courtyard. The lack of direct sunlight in some areas of the courtyard can be quite a challenge but I'm slowly learning what can and cannot grow. But by having pots means you can change the look and feel of your space in an afternoon and try out plants in different locations until you find something that works.

Container gardening doesn't require lots of maintenance so you get to spend more time enjoying the space.

I love being in the fresh air, somehow all the worries of the world disappear when I get my wellies on and potter in the garden. My focus is the garden and what is growing, looking at small leaves growing and unfurling, noticing new buds forming and flowers opening.

I love listening to the sounds of the garden, the sounds of leaves dancing round the courtyard on windy days, birds darting around the courtyard, the frequent sound of a hot air balloon burner ahead. We live near a space when hot air balloons take off, during the summer in the early mornings and evenings we get to hear the recognisable sound of the burners above us.

Taking a well earned break with a steaming cup of tea on our pretty iron bench is one of my favourite things to do. I sit back and look around me and then get stuck in to understanding the gardening basics by reading a few books, leading me to plan what to try next.

I'm hoping to grow more plants inside too. I quite fancy trying a terrarium and getting better equated with growing orchids. I've always had plants in the home from spider plants and cacti when I was younger, and now orchids, herbs and a few house plants. For us space and light is a small issue but I will find a way!

I would urge anyone to try a spot of container gardening, however small your space is have a go and feel the benefits of growing something yourself. To start I would recommend a window box of herbs, they grow easily, you can use them to cook with and you'll have plants that smell great.

1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa
