
Tuesday 12 June 2012

Time to enjoy simple weekend pleasures

Weekends are such a precious time to relax and do all the things you enjoy… I love having time to catch up on sorting out the house, pottering around in the garden, spending time with my latest crafty project, cooking special meals and seeing friends. I really look forward to simple weekend pleasures such as getting up without an alarm, drinking lots of cups of tea whilst leisurely flicking through books and magazines, and generally enjoying spending time in our little home. Despite the shockingly wet weather we had this weekend, I had plenty of things to keep me amused.

I baked a cake! My first loaf cake! I made a lemon and poppy seed cake using the recipe for 'My Mother-in-law's Madeira Cake' in Nigella Lawson’s wonderful book How to be a Domestic Goddess…It was so yummy and tasted even better the next day. I plan to bake something new every month to improve my baking skills and share it with you. This one was a real success and I was glad to try something other than cupcakes...even Mr C liked it! The cake was twice this size but before I managed to take a photo we had tucked into the cake! I loved the slightly crunchy topping made by sprinkling a little caster sugar on the top before popping it in the oven for an hour to bake.

...I spent time looking in our local gift shops for the perfect paper to wrap a gift. I found some bright green tissue paper and some pretty checked ribbon to wrap a small present that I am giving to friends.

I spent a lot of time working on my top secret sewing project that will be revealed in a few weeks but here is a sneaky peak…I'm so excited about sharing this with you, it is my biggest project to date and it has been a big learning curve. I should hopefully be finished in a week or so and then I'll be able to do a big reveal!

I made time to catch up with a close friend. We chatted for hours over yummy cupcakes and pink lemonade at a gorgeous deli, The Mall Deli, a few minutes walk from home …

I pottered around in the garden (whilst it wasn’t raining!) and had a look at my plants. I'm pleased to say that they are all growing nicely. They were slightly battered by the wind and rain but are still alive! Despite the poor weather a strawberry has ripened! I protected the strawberry in a jar when it had started to grow so that the birds wouldn't eat it, and to create its own little shelter to help it worked!

I am patiently waiting for the lillies to bloom, I counted thirty two buds waiting to open!

The time has arrived for the hundreds of purple flowers bloom from the plants cascading out of our old walls. They have attracted lots of bumble bees into our little courtyard and brought a burst of colour to rainy grey days.

Finally, I spent time with a cup of tea and checked out my new books (squeal!) that arrived in the post this week. I’m hoping that they will give me lots of inspiration for my next crafty projects and provide some great projects with instructions to try out. I added 1, 2, 3 Sew by Ellen Luckett Baker and Material Obsession two by Kathy Doughty and Sarah Fielke to my book collection...a little indulgent I know, but they have been on my wish list for a number of months.

I hope that the sunny weather we had in May returns soon...but hey, I'm pretty happy spending time at home when it rains and having time to enjoy some simple weekend pleasures.

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