
Wednesday 8 February 2012

Mid-week making

I love doing crafty things at weekends as I have an endless period of time to create and clear up afterwards! Last week I needed a thank you card and after a lunch time spent searching in many card shops, I just couldn't find a card that fitted the occasion. So I decided to pull out my paper and card stash and create a card when I got home from work one evening. I had an idea of the type of card I wanted to make, something that had a few of my favourite colours, look a bit like a patchwork quilt and use my brown card and matching envelope that I had tucked away in my card making box. After about an hour I'd created the card and drafted my message. I was pretty happy with the results...

Naturally pinks, cream and brown were on the menu, but also a touch of pattern with spots and stripes. I added a piece of ribbon from my stash to match the central square and the other accents of brown in the patterned squares, and to give the card a 'gift' feel to say thank you.

Making the card during the week got me thinking that maybe I should use an evening per week to get stuck into my projects and dedicate a bit of me time after a busy day at work. It's a nice feeling go to bed knowing you've done something a little bit extra with your day. Hopefully I made the recipient smile when they received my handmade card...I know I certainly gave myself a mid-week creative boost during a cold February evening! Talking of mid-week making I should get started with a project this week.


  1. Hi Lucy, it's Heather from the BYW group. Just wanted to let you know that I selected your blog as part of my Liebster Blog Award choices (posting on my blog & announced on Twitter :) Really love your blog, especially the gardening posts, I love gardening too but don't have one at the moment so I'm particularly enjoying reading about yours - I look forward to seeing more. Also please let me know if there is a way to subscribe to your blog via email? Best, Heather

    1. Hi Heather,

      I am so touched, thank you so much! It is a real honour to receive this award from you. I will get a post written this weekend and get thinking about who I'd like to give the Leibster Blog Award to!

      Thank you for asking about the subscribe to my blog via email. I've done some research and I've added this option to the blog on the right hand side of the page. This is a really great feature to add, so thank you for asking as I wouldn't have known about it. I have tested it out and it should work, but please do let me know if they are any problems receiving the updates by email.

      Have a wonderful weekend, Best wishes Lucy x
